My Research Notes on China
Author: Bill Carico
[email protected]
434-426-2287 m
© copyright 2020 by Bill Carico, all rights reserved, but feel free to share
Please contact me immediately if you spot any factual errors.
Part 3 was removed from Facebook. Within moments after the first viewers hit the LIKE button, it disappeared without explanation.
Part 1 - Did China Intentionally Cause the Covid-19 Pandemic? Originally posted on Facebook May 18, 2020
Part 2 - China’s Atrocities and Crimes Against Humanity
Part 3 - Why China Started the Covid19 Pandemic
Part 4 - The Power of Propaganda
=========== Part 1 ======================
China Research Notes - Part 1 - Did China Intentionally Cause the Covid-19 Pandemic?
by Bill Carico
[email protected]
May 18, 2020
Yes, China intentionally let the virus spread. They could have contained it, instead they released it on an unsuspecting world without warning.
Objective investigation demands rigorous fact-finding regarding motive and opportunity. When seeking truth, assemble the facts that can be proven into a timeline so findings can be evaluated more closely and ranked in terms of probability, correlation, and coherence. In layman’s terms, look for oddities, logical inconsistencies, starting with the claims that are the most improbable.
An investigator I know simply follows things that “don’t pass the smell test.”
A Glaring Oddity
In the midst of a pandemic, when all major cities were shutting down, what made no sense to me was that Beijing and Shanghai, China’s two largest population centers closest to the epicenter of the virus in Wuhan, were still operating business as usual.
I assumed they never locked down but as it turns out, unknown to the world, these cities had been shut down two months earlier and were already coming out of lockdown in March as the virus was being spread around the world.
China never let its infected residents travel anywhere within the country but intentionally let them travel internationally to start a pandemic. We don't know yet if the virus accidentally got out of a lab, but they could have limited its spread and chose not to. Thus, China started the pandemic intentionally.
Since I spent all of April off the grid restoring our flooded home in Texas, I didn't follow news much but I did hear about major cities were on strict lockdown...except Beijing and Shanghai.
That kept gnawing at me and I kept looking. I found my answer in an April 30, 2020 blog by Sandep Sen a journalist with The Economic Times of India (click here to read full article) Here:s what happened:
Blog Title: How China locked down internally for COVID-19, but pushed foreign travel
"There is new evidence to show that China locked down all domestic traffic internally by end January 2020 but pushed to keep open foreign travel till end of March. Data from Tom Tom traffic index, a traffic location site that covers 416 cities across 57 countries show that as a result of this strategy, China, intentionally or otherwise, was able to lockdown its cities unknown to the world. While this reduced the spread of the Corona virus within China, China’s aggressive foreign travel policy lead to a virus explosion worldwide....
On January 22 at a meeting to decide the measures to be taken, WHO was not able to warn the world of the severity of COVID-19 apparently because of resistance from Beijing. (WHO referred to it as “divergent views”) On January 23 Wuhan city was placed under quarantine and two days later the entire Hubei province was locked down. The Chinese state machinery was harnessed to enforce an unprecedented quarantine on 50 million people across 15 cities. In the last week of January domestic flights from Hubei to other parts of China were stopped and restrictions on traffic movement in major cities like Beijing and Shanghai were initiated. This was the time of the Chinese New Year when offices and schools are normally closed and it is also the prime tourism season for the Chinese. On the 31st January Italy fearing a major outbreak of Coronavirus from hundreds of tourists arriving from China closed all flights to and from China." (end of blog excerpt)
An Unsuspecting World of Tourism
I was speaking with a friend about his trip to China last fall who told me the Chinese represent the largest tourist group in the world. That fact alone made me realize how easy it would be for China to start a pandemic. I also didn't know before I read Sen's blog that the Lunar New Year was China's busiest tourist season which means the unsuspecting world of tourism had grown accustom to hosting lots of Chinese visitors during late January and early February.
While there have been many publicized complaints about China not being transparent or providing timely information since the pandemic began, the implications are enormous that in January CCP President Xi Jinping had already instituted a domestic travel ban and strict lockdown within China to stem the spread of Covid-19, because it reveals China could have prevented the spread to other countries but chose not to do so.
Such actions and intentional inaction proves mens rea, or “guilty mind.” Mens rea is a legal term meaning the intention or knowledge of wrongdoing that constitutes part of a crime, as opposed to the action or conduct of the accused.
Sen's blog provides further proof of mens rea and likely complicity of the chairman of the World Health Organization (WHO), writing:
"The U.S. issued a travel advisory against China travel on the 2nd of February but did not ban all services. While Chinese authorities limited domestic flights from Wuhan to other Chinese cities like Beijing and Shanghai in an effort to contain the outbreak in January, it urged international carriers to maintain their flying schedules. The Civil Aviation Administration of China stated “In order to meet the needs of passengers in and out of the country and the international transport of supplies during this special period … airlines [are required to] … continue transport to nations that have not imposed travel restrictions.”
"China’s assertion that all was well for international travel was supported by the WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus at the opening of the agency’s Executive Board meet on the 3rd February. He said ” There is no reason for measures that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade. We call on all countries to implement decisions that are evidence-based and consistent. WHO stands ready to provide advice to any country that is considering which measures to take,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying criticised the US advisories saying “The U.S. government hasn’t provided any substantial assistance to us, but it was the first to evacuate personnel from its consulate in Wuhan, the first to suggest partial withdrawal of its embassy staff, and the first to impose a comprehensive travel ban on Chinese travellers.”
While China continued to protest against international travel bans it successfully quarantined Wuhan and other affected cities. The total domestic lockdown of Hubei province and the flight ban imposed inside China had immediate effect. As per data from Tom Tom traffic index Wuhan had a traffic density of 60% in January while Shanghai and Beijing had nearly 80% density. After the total lockdown the average traffic density fell to below 10% in Wuhan and Shanghai during February and below 5% in Beijing. While implementing a total domestic lockdown in February, China kept assuring the world that the situation was not serious and fully under control." (end of blog excerpt)
Xi Jinping actually waited until March 27 to officially ban international travel, after conferring with President Trump. Sen reports that by this time Chinese tourists are known to have infected 27 countries with Covid-19.
Who Else Knew?
After my oddity was explained away I began to wonder who else knew in January about the domestic travel lockdowns. I discovered that as of mid-May 2020, Taiwan, a country of about 23 million, has only reported 7 deaths from less than 500 Covid-19 cases.
Then it dawned on me, when mainline China locked down in January, those with friends and family in Taiwan would have surely told them about it. Regardless of how they found out, Taiwan’s leaders must have known that something big was up because they took immediate action in January banning incoming travel from parts of mainland China. Not long after cruise ships were banned from docking in Taiwan. Now I wonder if Taiwan warned anyone and I wonder why Italy was still so hard hit if they banned Chinese travelers in January.
Index Cases
The index case is the first documented patient in a disease epidemic within a population, or the first documented patient included in an epidemiological study. (see Wikipedia)
I did some cursory research on index cases and learned that by Feb 21, 2020, even the pro-China World Health Organization (WHO) reported index cases for 14 countries that were travelers from China, 10 of whom came from the Hubei province of which the city of Wuhan is the capital.
There were two index cases for Italy - both Chinese tourists.
That same month an Italian man from Milan became the Covid-19 index case in Nigeria, Africa's most populous country of almost 200 million.
I also learned the index case in South African is a national who returned from a trip to Italy with his wife and two kids on March 1, 2020.
Since China knew their people were contagious and wouldn't allow internal travel and hid this from the world, since China could have prevented the same people from traveling to other countries and did not, they intentionally let the virus spread, effectively declaring war on the world.
The other parts of this report explains China's goals, how they operate, and why China started the pandemic.
============== end of part 1 =========================
Author: Bill Carico
[email protected]
434-426-2287 m
© copyright 2020 by Bill Carico, all rights reserved, but feel free to share
Please contact me immediately if you spot any factual errors.
Part 3 was removed from Facebook. Within moments after the first viewers hit the LIKE button, it disappeared without explanation.
Part 1 - Did China Intentionally Cause the Covid-19 Pandemic? Originally posted on Facebook May 18, 2020
Part 2 - China’s Atrocities and Crimes Against Humanity
Part 3 - Why China Started the Covid19 Pandemic
Part 4 - The Power of Propaganda
=========== Part 1 ======================
China Research Notes - Part 1 - Did China Intentionally Cause the Covid-19 Pandemic?
by Bill Carico
[email protected]
May 18, 2020
Yes, China intentionally let the virus spread. They could have contained it, instead they released it on an unsuspecting world without warning.
Objective investigation demands rigorous fact-finding regarding motive and opportunity. When seeking truth, assemble the facts that can be proven into a timeline so findings can be evaluated more closely and ranked in terms of probability, correlation, and coherence. In layman’s terms, look for oddities, logical inconsistencies, starting with the claims that are the most improbable.
An investigator I know simply follows things that “don’t pass the smell test.”
A Glaring Oddity
In the midst of a pandemic, when all major cities were shutting down, what made no sense to me was that Beijing and Shanghai, China’s two largest population centers closest to the epicenter of the virus in Wuhan, were still operating business as usual.
I assumed they never locked down but as it turns out, unknown to the world, these cities had been shut down two months earlier and were already coming out of lockdown in March as the virus was being spread around the world.
China never let its infected residents travel anywhere within the country but intentionally let them travel internationally to start a pandemic. We don't know yet if the virus accidentally got out of a lab, but they could have limited its spread and chose not to. Thus, China started the pandemic intentionally.
Since I spent all of April off the grid restoring our flooded home in Texas, I didn't follow news much but I did hear about major cities were on strict lockdown...except Beijing and Shanghai.
That kept gnawing at me and I kept looking. I found my answer in an April 30, 2020 blog by Sandep Sen a journalist with The Economic Times of India (click here to read full article) Here:s what happened:
Blog Title: How China locked down internally for COVID-19, but pushed foreign travel
"There is new evidence to show that China locked down all domestic traffic internally by end January 2020 but pushed to keep open foreign travel till end of March. Data from Tom Tom traffic index, a traffic location site that covers 416 cities across 57 countries show that as a result of this strategy, China, intentionally or otherwise, was able to lockdown its cities unknown to the world. While this reduced the spread of the Corona virus within China, China’s aggressive foreign travel policy lead to a virus explosion worldwide....
On January 22 at a meeting to decide the measures to be taken, WHO was not able to warn the world of the severity of COVID-19 apparently because of resistance from Beijing. (WHO referred to it as “divergent views”) On January 23 Wuhan city was placed under quarantine and two days later the entire Hubei province was locked down. The Chinese state machinery was harnessed to enforce an unprecedented quarantine on 50 million people across 15 cities. In the last week of January domestic flights from Hubei to other parts of China were stopped and restrictions on traffic movement in major cities like Beijing and Shanghai were initiated. This was the time of the Chinese New Year when offices and schools are normally closed and it is also the prime tourism season for the Chinese. On the 31st January Italy fearing a major outbreak of Coronavirus from hundreds of tourists arriving from China closed all flights to and from China." (end of blog excerpt)
An Unsuspecting World of Tourism
I was speaking with a friend about his trip to China last fall who told me the Chinese represent the largest tourist group in the world. That fact alone made me realize how easy it would be for China to start a pandemic. I also didn't know before I read Sen's blog that the Lunar New Year was China's busiest tourist season which means the unsuspecting world of tourism had grown accustom to hosting lots of Chinese visitors during late January and early February.
While there have been many publicized complaints about China not being transparent or providing timely information since the pandemic began, the implications are enormous that in January CCP President Xi Jinping had already instituted a domestic travel ban and strict lockdown within China to stem the spread of Covid-19, because it reveals China could have prevented the spread to other countries but chose not to do so.
Such actions and intentional inaction proves mens rea, or “guilty mind.” Mens rea is a legal term meaning the intention or knowledge of wrongdoing that constitutes part of a crime, as opposed to the action or conduct of the accused.
Sen's blog provides further proof of mens rea and likely complicity of the chairman of the World Health Organization (WHO), writing:
"The U.S. issued a travel advisory against China travel on the 2nd of February but did not ban all services. While Chinese authorities limited domestic flights from Wuhan to other Chinese cities like Beijing and Shanghai in an effort to contain the outbreak in January, it urged international carriers to maintain their flying schedules. The Civil Aviation Administration of China stated “In order to meet the needs of passengers in and out of the country and the international transport of supplies during this special period … airlines [are required to] … continue transport to nations that have not imposed travel restrictions.”
"China’s assertion that all was well for international travel was supported by the WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus at the opening of the agency’s Executive Board meet on the 3rd February. He said ” There is no reason for measures that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade. We call on all countries to implement decisions that are evidence-based and consistent. WHO stands ready to provide advice to any country that is considering which measures to take,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying criticised the US advisories saying “The U.S. government hasn’t provided any substantial assistance to us, but it was the first to evacuate personnel from its consulate in Wuhan, the first to suggest partial withdrawal of its embassy staff, and the first to impose a comprehensive travel ban on Chinese travellers.”
While China continued to protest against international travel bans it successfully quarantined Wuhan and other affected cities. The total domestic lockdown of Hubei province and the flight ban imposed inside China had immediate effect. As per data from Tom Tom traffic index Wuhan had a traffic density of 60% in January while Shanghai and Beijing had nearly 80% density. After the total lockdown the average traffic density fell to below 10% in Wuhan and Shanghai during February and below 5% in Beijing. While implementing a total domestic lockdown in February, China kept assuring the world that the situation was not serious and fully under control." (end of blog excerpt)
Xi Jinping actually waited until March 27 to officially ban international travel, after conferring with President Trump. Sen reports that by this time Chinese tourists are known to have infected 27 countries with Covid-19.
Who Else Knew?
After my oddity was explained away I began to wonder who else knew in January about the domestic travel lockdowns. I discovered that as of mid-May 2020, Taiwan, a country of about 23 million, has only reported 7 deaths from less than 500 Covid-19 cases.
Then it dawned on me, when mainline China locked down in January, those with friends and family in Taiwan would have surely told them about it. Regardless of how they found out, Taiwan’s leaders must have known that something big was up because they took immediate action in January banning incoming travel from parts of mainland China. Not long after cruise ships were banned from docking in Taiwan. Now I wonder if Taiwan warned anyone and I wonder why Italy was still so hard hit if they banned Chinese travelers in January.
Index Cases
The index case is the first documented patient in a disease epidemic within a population, or the first documented patient included in an epidemiological study. (see Wikipedia)
I did some cursory research on index cases and learned that by Feb 21, 2020, even the pro-China World Health Organization (WHO) reported index cases for 14 countries that were travelers from China, 10 of whom came from the Hubei province of which the city of Wuhan is the capital.
There were two index cases for Italy - both Chinese tourists.
That same month an Italian man from Milan became the Covid-19 index case in Nigeria, Africa's most populous country of almost 200 million.
I also learned the index case in South African is a national who returned from a trip to Italy with his wife and two kids on March 1, 2020.
Since China knew their people were contagious and wouldn't allow internal travel and hid this from the world, since China could have prevented the same people from traveling to other countries and did not, they intentionally let the virus spread, effectively declaring war on the world.
The other parts of this report explains China's goals, how they operate, and why China started the pandemic.
============== end of part 1 =========================